Keyes Elementary School Home

Welcome to Keyes Elementary School

Keyes Union School District welcomes campus visitations by parents and community members and encourages strong parent involvement throughout all of our schools. Keyes Union School District employees, working in collaboration with county officials, public and private agencies, business leaders, service clubs, and parents, are committed to providing the best education for the youth of the communities we serve.


Recent News

"The CSU Stanislaus Master's in School Administration/Credential program is now accepting applications!

Each year CSU Stanislaus seeks to only enroll approx. 60 students who are seeking to earn their preliminary administrative services credential and/or master's degree. Eligible candidates typically hold a teaching, counseling, or administrative position in a K-12 institution. These leaders go on to work in schools and districts throughout the Central Valley and beyond. If you have ever considered a role in school or district leadership, now is the time to start your leadership journey.
Public Hearing

Public Hearing Notice

Annual Budget and Service Plan Hearing on the Stanislaus County SELPA Schools Budget for 2023-2024